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KP Bibliotek

How to

My library card

Check your library card

  • Sign in
  • Click your name in the log-in box and select “My library card”

At "My library card" you have the possibility to check your loans, renew, check your reservations and pay your fees.

How to pay fees

Fees for exceeding the return date are paid via the library database.

  • Sign In
  • Click your name in the login box and select "My library card”
  • Click PAY FINE
  • Follow the instructions

We are using the secure payment system DIBS payment service (Danish Internet Payment System).

If a loaner owes 200 DKK or more, the loaner's account is blocked in the library system, and new loans cannot be made until the outstanding amount has been paid.

Did you receive a bill?

If you received a bill, you must pay it as indicated on the bill, not via the library database. Bills are handled by our debtors department and not the library.
To unblock your user status you must contact our billing function, as indicated on the bill.
Please be aware that it is no longer possible to return the materials, after a bill has been sent.

You can read more about terms and tariffs in the library loan terms.